mardi 12 février 2013

How to install my OSINT Framework


This post deals with how to install my framework with all dependencies.

For that, I've made a fresh install on amazon EC2 m1.medium instance. I've chosen an Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS.

On the first step:

  • apt-get install git mongodb redis-server python-pip cmake build-essential chrpath git-core libssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev

On the second step:

  • With pip, install python dependencies: simplejson, pygeoip,pymongo,redis,

On the third step:

Install python librairies:

To install Faup:
In Faup folder:
  • mkdir build && cd build
launch cmake ../ && make && make install && sudo ldconfig

On the fourth step:

Install phantomJS and casperJS ( and

Unzip phantomjs and make a symbolic link: 

$home_phantomjs and $home_casperJS are folder where you uzing the archives.
Warning, It's not evironnement variable.

cd /usr/bin/ && sudo ln -s $home_phantomJS/bin/phantomjs

Unzip casperJS and make a symbolic link:
cd /usr/bin/ && sudo ln -s $home_casperJS/bin/casperjs

And finally install the framework:

git clone

You can play !

If a question, you can send an email !

Soon a tutorial to use it ! ( you can read the code :p)


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